Donations to charities are a win-win when it comes to filing taxes. You can feel good about helping a cause you care about as well as write off the donations to “qualified organizations” on your taxes at totals up to “50 percent of your adjusted gross income,” according to the Internal Revenue Service. But, what happens when you go to write off such a donation and then come to find out the charity was fraudulent? You’ve given your money to a false entity, haven...
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Too wealthy for financial aid and too strapped to pay out of pocket? Turn to other options.
It seems like just yesterday your child was learning how to ride a bike and tie their shoes and now they are getting ready graduate high school with a college acceptance letter hot in their hand. You couldn’t be more proud…or anxious. As a parent you always planned to pay for your student’s college if they wanted and could to go. It seems like another support step toward...
Think back to those early days in life when it seemed like everything in the candy aisle was free if you begged your parents hard enough. Not a fleeting thought was given to the expenses of a vacation or the copay costs at the doctor. There’s something beautifully unburdened in the way which children experience the world: recklessly present and innocently ambivalent. Teaching your children lessons about money from a young age won’t crush that. What it will do is to set them on a...